Monday, 30 July 2007

Stop smoking benefits

People often want to know what happens when they stop smoking. If you have been researching stopping smoking for a while, you will have seen 'the list' of benefits to stopping smoking but here is a list of stop smoking benefits as to why you should want to quit.

Stop smoking benefit #1: You will no longer be a member of the club that kills half its members early. That's right - half of all smokers die young specifically because they smoke, not because they are in a car crash or suffer some other freak accident or need a kidney transplant. They die because they smoke.

Stop smoking benefit #2: You reduce the risk of dying 16 to 20 years premature because of nicotine addiction and tobacco.

Stop smoking benefit #3: Only 1 in five people diagnosed with lung cancer get to survive for more than 5 years. 90% of all lung cancer patients are or have been smokers when they are diagnosed. The vast majority quit the instant they find out they have cancer.

Stop smoking benefit #4: You start reducing the 8-fold increase in contracting lung cancer that you were risking before, as a smoker.

Stop smoking benefit #5: As a man, you increase your ejaculate volume and you start reversing the negative effects smoking had on your sperm. Sperm formation is less likely to be mutated and/or dead. Your fertility increases.

Stop smoking benefit #6: As a woman, your general fertility increases and you reduce the chances of early onset menopause.

Stop smoking benefit #7: You start to improve your odds from being 5 times more likely to have a heart attack before the age of 40 to something resembling normality. The reduction in risk takes time but it starts the moment you stop smoking.

Stop smoking benefit #8: You start reducing your chances of suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). COPD includes emphysema (suffocating to death) and bronchitis (coughing to death). Smokers make up 80% of all COPD sufferers.

Stop smoking benefit #9: Your chances of contracting bladder cancer reduce by between at least 50%.

Stop smoking benefit #10: You stop running the risk of the next cigarette you smoke being the one that starts lung cancer or throat cancer or mouth cancer or god only knows what sort of cancer.

On a brighter note, stopping smoking before the age of 30 negates about 90% of all the negative effects of smoking but even if you have smoked for the last 60 years it is still never to late to quit. As I always say, never stop trying to quit smoking!

Saturday, 28 July 2007

Quit smoking tips: 10 more pearls of wisdom!

When you decide to have another try at forgoing the evil weed, you can always benefit from some quit smoking tips. Wouldn't life be wonderful if you could quit smoking whenever you pleased? Well, unfortunately, life isn't that easy but in the mean time, here are some pearls of wisdom that may help you quit smoking.

Quit smoking tip #1: Write a list of all the reason why you want to smoke. It will be short. Write a list of all the reasons you want to quit smoking. It will be long. Keep both lists with you all times.

Quit smoking tip #2: For every reason you think of you want to quit, write it on a piece of paper about 3 inches long (the length of a cigarette). Roll it up and put it in an empty packet of the cigarettes you like to smoke. You should be able to get about 15 in the packet easily. Every time you want a cigarette, read a reason instead.

Quit smoking tip #3: Talk yourself into believing the next cigarette you smoke will be the one that gives you lung cancer. It won't seem so attractive!

Quit smoking tip #4: Consider buying products to help you quit smoking. There are many on the market and if they come with a money-back guarantee, you have nothing to lose except the smokes!

Quit smoking tip #5: You will suffer from nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Don't let these symptoms cloud your judgement as to why you chose to quit smoking.

Quit smoking tip #6: Never use nicotine replacement therapy. There is no way that you can overcome the addiction to nicotine by getting it in another delivery system.

Quit smoking tip #7: Understand that you will not be able to quit until you actually genuinely want to quit. It is no good trying to quit smoking just because you know you 'should' quit because it is bad for you.

Quit smoking tip #8: Watch what you eat. You may start eating between meals when you used to smoke. You will get fat if you continue to do this. Drink plenty of fruit juice for the first three days and then plenty of water - stay off the sugary drinks thereafter.

Quit smoking tip #9: Don't think about smoking. If you thin you are missing out on something you will just be torturing yourself.

Quit smoking tip #10: Never doubt your reasons for quitting nor doubt your ability to quit.

There are a plethora of products available to help people quit smoking. Some commentators cynically suggest that they are all useless. I believe that there is no one 'fix-all' cure for smoking. Some people will benefit from drug programs such as Chantix or Zyban, others from cognitive behavioural therapy and others from hypnosis.

My argument is that people should try any and every method they can because the benefits of quitting smoking make it worthwhile. But whatever you do, never stop trying to quit.

Pete Howells has written the EasyQuit System that will help any smoker quit tobacco. He also blogs quit smoking advice at Visit to find out more about his incredible process for quitting smoking that boasts 96% customer satisfaction.

Quit smoking tips: 10 of the best

It is difficult for people to quit smoking (or so we are told) and until you actually realise it can be easy you could benefit from some quit smoking tips. You will need help to keep you off the smokes as long as you have this negative attitude to quitting. The following is a list of widely accepted tricks to help you get through the process of quitting.

Quit smoking tip #1: Rid your entire life of cigarettes and all the paraphernalia of smoking such as lighters, matches, ashtrays etc. Never carry cigarettes with you.

Quit smoking tip #2: Accept that you are never going to have another cigarette as long as you live. Understand that the only reason you could possibly need any smoking paraphernalia is because you plan on smoking again.

Quit smoking tip #3: Don't kid yourself that you will let your friends smoke in your house. You must ban smoking from every aspect of your life. Your house, your car, your back yard.

Quit smoking tip #4: Never doubt your decision to quit smoking. It was the right decision.

Quit smoking tip #5: Every time you crave a cigarette, feel proud that you have gone this long without one and you can manage even longer.

Quit smoking tip #6: Drink plenty of water and drink plenty of citric fruit juices for the first couple of days. Stop drinking sugary drinks after day 3 or you will put on weight.

Quit smoking tip #7: If you are worried about getting fat, start using the stairs at work or whenever you can. If you have to go somewhere within a mile, walk instead of cycle or taking the car.

Quit smoking tip #8: Start eating healthy food. Stay off the pastries, sweets, potato chips and chocolates. Eat raw vegetables and plenty of fruit. Without smoking, these things start tasting even better than normal.

Quit smoking tip #9: Set aside a jar to put all your cigarette money in. You will be saving over $30 a week if you are a normal smoker. Use this money to spend on something extravagant for your self after the first week and then after the first month.

Quit smoking tip #10: Tell everyone you know that you are quitting smoking. Ask them for their encouragement - they will give it. Smokers and non-smokers and ex-smokers especially, will all be 100% behind you. No-one likes seeing friends or family killing themselves.

There are many support methods out there to help smokers quit. You can use nicotine replacement therapy (which I seriously don't recommend), zyban or chantix with 16% and 22% apparent success rates. There are also other methods that do not use drugs or pharmacological interventions such as hypnotherapy or cognitive behavioural therapy. These methods generally boast better long term results than drugs do.

My advice to anyone trying to quit smoking is to be prepared to try any and every method you can. Invest money (particularly if it comes with a money back guarantee) because it is money well spent. No-one can tell you which method will work best for you so you can only find out by trying all the methods.

As always, never stop trying to quit smoking.

Pete Howells has written the EasyQuit System that will help any smoker quit tobacco. He also blogs quit smoking advice at Visit to find out more about his incredible process for quitting smoking that boasts 96% customer satisfaction.

Friday, 27 July 2007

How to easily quit smoking

There is a burning desire in all smokers to find out how to easily quit smoking. The reason for this is quite simple. Every time smokers try to quit smoking they find that is difficult and inevitably 19 out of 20 fail to kick the habit. However, it is true that you can easily quit smoking so let me explain.

Now this may sound a bit weird but my personal view on this is that quitting smoking is only difficult because smokers don't know how to easily quit smoking.

Let me clarify. Driving a car is difficult the first time you do it. That is because you do not know how to drive a car. Once you have spent some time learning 'how' to drive a car, it becomes easier. In fact, most people don't even think about how to drive a car and they do it every day. It becomes second nature.

Let's look at another example. Most people think that building and publishing a website is difficult. Before I started working full time on the internet I felt the same. Then, as time passed and I took time to learn how to write webpages, publish articles, write blogs and manage a website, I realised that it wasn't difficult. It was just that before, I didn't know how to do it and that made it seem difficult.

To this day I haven't the faintest idea how to weld, but I am certain I could learn!

And so it is with smoking. I know how to easily quit smoking because I learned how to and have done it. That doesn't mean I start and stop as I please. As a smoker, I spent 20 years of my life wanting to stop smoking. The problem was, I didn't know how to easily stop smoking and so every attempt over 20 years (and there must have been 20 or 30 attempts) ended in failure. That was until I discovered how to easily quit smoking. I don't want to be a smoker - that's why I found out how to quit.

Now obviously, I cannot write a 500 word article that is going to explain in full how to easily quit smoking. I explain how to easily quit smoking in my book but I want ot give you a few pointers here in this article.

The first and foremost issue that smokers absolutely must overcome in order to easily quit smoking is to change their outlook on cigarettes and how that fits in with the rest of their lives. What I mean by this is that most smokers subconsciously or not, believe that cigarettes form a part of their persona. A non-smoker picks up their keys and wallet when they leave the house. A smoker picks up their keys and wallet and cigarettes and lighter. It forms an integral part of their every day life.

Smokers will pretty much always know how many cigarettes they have on their person. They know this like they know how many fingers anyone knows they have on their left hand.

Smoking and cigarettes (or whatever your 'pleasure') are an integral part of a smokers life. They feel that cigarettes provide enjoyment and pleasure. They are difficult to live without because of the pleasure they bring. Right?


In order to even start on discovering how to easily quit smoking, smokers must learn to comprehend that they can spend the rest of their lives without cigarettes. It is not a matter of thinking I will quit smoking, then have a cigarette once a month because I enjoy them so much. A smoker who is trying to quit must understand that they can enjoy the rest of their lives without cigarettes. Let me explain why.

Roughly speaking 25% of the population smoke. Another 25% of the population used to smoke but have quit. Yet another 25% of the population tried to smoke at some point but couldn't so they didn't bother. Finally, 25% of the population have never had a cigarette or any tobacco smoke enter their lungs.

As a smoker you are only make up 1 in 4 of the population and the other three quarters seem to get on with their lives ok. They don't need cigarettes and if you are a smoker, you don't either. Once you understand this point, you have taken your first step on how to easily quit smoking.

I know that if you are looking to quit smoking you will be shown a vast array of products to choose from, including nicotine replacement therapy, chantix, zyban, herbal solutions, books and hypnosis. Whilst I believe in the cognitive behavioural approach as being the best way to quit smoking, it is not perfect for everyone. So I recommend that you try anything or everything you can to quit smoking. There will be at least one effective approach to quitting smoking that will work for you. I only wish I could tell you which!

Whatever you do, never quit trying to quit.

Why do people try to quit smoking before they know how to quit smoking? Pete Howells is the author of the EasyQuit System available only online at He also blogs, post articles and videos at and at

EasyQuit System - Is It Just Another Failure Attempt?

I found this article about my book on the internet the other day. What a pleasant suprise!

With all the quitting smoking system scams flooding in the internet and outside the internet, it can be difficult to find an easy and truly way to really stop smoking. And so when I came across this new e-book by Peter Howells, I wasn’t expecting anything truly as I have been tried, scammed and disappointed so many times before.

But the EasyQuit System seemed to be more down to earth than most. So I promptly picked up a copy and figured that if nothing else, it would be a decent e-book that would give me the opportunity to finally quit smoking.

But from the opening pages of the EasyQuit System, I must admit I was taken a bit off guard with the exceptional method and overall of the system. The method was very well organized, easy to embrace and I found Peter writing style refreshing in a comparison of other e-books or methods I was trying before.

Learn more about it here

The EasyQuit System starts with explaining why I become a smoker and how I can overcome this bad habit. This is followed by a series of powerful truths about the psychology of smoking that work surprisingly well. The intention is not to frighten you, but to emphasize truths about the psychology of smoking and how to deal with them.

Before I bought EasyQuit System I have never thought it can be easy to stop smoking, I knew it is possible, but certainly not easy. I simply didn’t know how. But Peter shows how even a heavy smoker like myself can easily quit smoking.

There is also very detailed information of how not becoming a smoker again and without any needs of using substitutes. Later on in the e-book you also discover a very surprising, and important fact about the nicotine. Never before have I seen, read or experienced quit smoking method that goes into the level of details that EasyQuit System does.

Learn more about it here

Everything is clearly explained and demonstrated with examples. You will feel like the e-book is written especially for your need, stop smoking easily. Peter shows exactly how to stop smoking and how to remain a non smoker without any side affects.

One thing that is missing in EasyQuit System is the frighten tactics, but from my own experience you will not quit smoking if someone frightening you or you will never be a happy non smoker. The techniques in EasyQuit System are much more effective.

The EasyQuit System is also provides a full 60 days money back guarantee if you purchased the e-book and you are not satisfied, meaning you are not a happy non smoker. Therefore there is no risk buying this e-book and trying the method.

A command problem with a lot of other quitting smoking systems is that after experienced the method you will generally found yourself left on your own to figure out things. But this is certainly not the case with EasyQuit System. Peter offers exceptional e-mail support and for the few times I have had question he was responded very quickly.

Overall the EasyQuit System is exceptional method that has taught me how to quit smoking easily and becoming a happy non smoker.

Learn more about it here

Yours, Shuri
This article is free for republishing

Thursday, 26 July 2007

10 quit smoking symptoms explained

There are many different quit smoking symptoms that appear in smokers who are trying to quit. The range of symptoms is quite wide but luckily, most smokers will not suffer all of the symptoms, only one or two. Nevertheless, some of the symptoms can be quite uncomfortable and can motivate smokers to start up and abandon quitting.

In alphabetical order, the most common quit smoking symptoms are:

Quit smoking symptom #1: Anger: When you quit smoking, your brain chemistry isn't able to work normally because you haven't any nicotine in your system. As a result, smokers who have been off the smokes for a day or too can get a bit cranky. They tend to be pretty unpleasant company and are liable to fly off the handle pretty easily.

Quit smoking symptom #2: Bad Breath or halitosis: This is one of the more anti-social of quit smoking symptoms. Many people recommend chewing gum as this not only gives your mouth something to do but also covers up the bad odour. What most smokers don't realise is that they had bad breath anyway. It is only because they quit smoking that they actually came to notice it!

Quit smoking symptom #3: Constipation: It is not known specifically why, but many smokers complain of constipation when they quit smoking. The intestinal tract tends to slow down but it is normally only temporary. The only recommended remedies are to drink plenty of water and eat plenty of high fibre foods such as wholemeal and fruits.

Quit smoking symptom #4: Cough: When you quit smoking, the lungs finally get a moment to start cleaning themselves the way they are supposed to. This process doesn't work normally when smoking every hour or so. The body is simply expelling the mucus that has accumulated over the years. This wet cough should only last a week or two and it is your body naturally cleaning itself from the inside.

Quit smoking symptom #5: Cravings: When you quit smoking, you stop taking in a regular supply of nicotine. After only 3 days there is none left in your body. As such, because your brain is so used to nicotine it 'wonders' where it is and asks for more by giving you cravings to smoke. Your best course of action is to distract yourself for a while. The average craving only lasts a minute or two and they become fewer and farther between over time.

Quit smoking symptom #6: Dizziness: When you quit smoking, your body starts fixing the red blood cells that have been handicapped with carbon monoxide. After a couple of days, the 15% of a smoker's blood that was dysfunctional becomes proper working blood again. The dizziness is a side effect of the extra oxygen your blood is delivering to your brain!

Quit smoking symptom #7: Headaches: Your body has been used to nicotine within the system whilst you were a smoker. Now that the nicotine has subsided, your brain chemistry is trying to reset itself. Sometimes this manifests in headaches. To deal with this, your best bet is to avoid caffeinated drinks such as coffee or cola and drink plenty of water. Take some painkillers when required.

Quit smoking symptom #8: Hunger: Craving for cigarettes can be confused with hunger. You have been used to having a cigarette (or something) in your mouth about once every hour for the last few years. That is now gone. Try sucking a straw, eating low-calorie raw vegetables or chewing gum. Don't turn to chocolate or potato chips - you will get fat!

Quit smoking symptom #9: Insomnia: Because the nicotine your brain was used to is no longer there, the brain isn't working the way it is used to. As a result, it may keep you in a bit of a nervous panic that stops you being able to sleep. Have a hot bath and a hot drink and see if you can't nod off like normal.

Quit smoking symptom #10: Sore throat: Your body has been used to secreting plenty of mucus in your airways whilst you were a smoker to deal with the irritation of the smoke. When you quit, it stops producing this mucus and leaves you with a dry throat that becomes sore. Drink plenty of water to try and alleviate the symptoms. If they get really bad, try an over-the-counter anaesthetic spray.

All of these quit smoking symptoms will conspire against you. They will irritate and annoy you when you try to quit smoking. But remember, they are just symptoms and they will all pass in time. As irritating and annoying as they all are, none of them are as tedious as an early death from cigarettes!

Whatever you do when you are trying to quit smoking, my advice is to never stop trying to quit.

Pete Howells has written the EasyQuit System that will help any smoker quit tobacco. He also blogs quit smoking advice at Visit to find out more about his incredible process for quitting smoking that boasts 96% customer satisfaction.

Wednesday, 25 July 2007

Bullsh1t! Nicocure Review- The Top Benefits of Using Nicocure to Stop Smoking

This article has got to be the biggest load of BS I have ever read: Nicocure is snake oil!

Behaviorists say that it takes just 21 days to make a habit. But how long does it take to permanently quit a nicotine habit? Try Nicocure.

Would you believe that it only takes TEN days to kick the nicotine habit? Yes, just TEN days. No, it is not possible with nicotine patches, nicotine gums or will power, although millions have tried them. It has been proven possible through the use of Nicocure.

Nicocure is the revolutionary and all-natural way to treating nicotine addiction. Unlike the nicotine patches, Nicocure contains zero percent nicotine, thus taking you totally off nicotine. Do not be afraid of finding yourself transferring addictions from cigarettes to nicotine patches or gum.

Millions of smokers have tried to quit smoking again and again, but failed each time, until they tried Nicocure. In fact, over 97% of those who used Nicocure have successfully quit the habit for good. Compare this to users of nicotine gum and patches - only 20% of them are just as successful. Well, no success rate figures are available for will power.

What makes Nicocure amazing is the special herb content that makes it a safe, natural and effective alternative to nicotine patches and nicotine gums.

This ingredient is a known life-saver for asthmatics and people suffering from bronchitis. Michael Murray, N.D., of Bastyr College recommends it as a better alternative to chewing gum and nicotine patch because it gives your nicotine receptor cells the same feeling that nicotine provides.

This ingredient has been identified as Lobelia Inflata or more popularly known as Indian tobacco. The plant extract acts as an expectorant for the lungs, which helps clear the lungs quickly. But that is not how Lobelia and Nicocure effectively rids you of your nicotine addiction.

Researchers at Nicocure have found a way to reduce the plant extracts to a proprietary herbal blend, in a patch form, which can give your nicotine receptor cells the same feeling as nicotine. It also makes nicotine products like cigarettes and nicotine gum taste awfully bad. You will not crave the “cigarette sensation” after using the Nicocure formula.

Nicocure users claimed that their cravings disappeared in just ten days of using the product. However, you can also purchase a 30-day supply if you feel you need Nicocure patches for a longer period of time.

Nicocure is one great gift you can give to yourself and your family.

Roger Mansfield is a former 40-a-day smoker from the UK, and now works as a consultant for those wishing to quit the habit. To find out more about the Nicocure method of stopping smoking, you can visit Roger's website (, which provides articles, guides and testimonies for would-be former smokers.

Nicocure Review

Don't Quit Smoking, Immediately

How to stop smoking? Hey, it's the easiest thing in the world, I have done it a hundred times... So goes the hoary old joke. It brings a smile from some, a frown from the others and hacking cough from the smokers.

It is no joke for the smokers, however they may smile at it. At heart every smoker wants to stop. Many of them are knowledgeable enough to know how, but can’t quit the fags because the habit is too deeply ingrained.

A) What won’t work?

Gradually decreasing it.
Buddy, the nicotine won’t let you quit. It is too powerful an adversary and too cunning for you. You will find the gradual decrement plan going fine, until the day you have an excuse to forget it (tension, overwork, circumstances, party etc.).

Depending on medicines.
Medicines only help to reduce the craving. But seriously, do you smoke only when the urge hits you? Isn’t it true that most of the time you smoke casually, whether there is a physical urge or not?

Talking continuously about it.
While you may think that it will help to keep the issue the uppermost in your mind, it will most probably lead to you being ridiculed in case you fail to quit. Also, words being cheap, it will begin to sound like empty boast.

Nicotine substitutes.
These are substitutes. They aren’t really the solution. Sooner or later you will revert to the real nicotine.

B) So, What will work?

Well, that’s what this article is about

1) Strengthen your resolve
First of all, I thank and congratulate you on having come so far with me. It shows that there is hope for you yet You have already proved that you can take tough talk and are determined to go through with it. That’s the first step.

Next, Analyze your smoking pattern, How many in a day? How often? When do you really have the urge (usually on waking up, after meals or generally after consuming anything orally)? When do you smoke maximum (with friends, alone, with drinks, under stress etc)

Number three, list down your reasons for a) smoking, and b) wanting to quit. I am a big advocate of putting things down on paper. It shows a commitment Number four, take someone into confidence. A friend, a family member, a medical worker or, best of all, a sympathetic ex-smoker.

These steps are keystones (preparations) for the big event. The only thing is that the “big event” is not a one off. It is a continuous obsession.

2) Back to basics
Now let’s revert to the point A) above. I was less than generous when I said definitely that these things won’t work. These things do help, specially reducing consumption. Every cigarette less means approximately 5 minutes more to live. Also, it helps to strengthen your resolve, which is the first step.

You see, archaic though it sounds, Will is a sure shot solution. So, unless you strengthen it, you will most likely fail. Why? - Remember that I said ‘Will’ and NOT ‘Will Power’ – They are different, 'Will Power' implies a struggle, where as using your ‘Will’, implies that it’s going to be easy. Let me explain:

Do you need will power to smoke? NO
Do you need will power to eat your favorite Ice-cream? NO
Now to do one of the two above activities, is easy because it is your ‘Will’ and NOT ‘Will Power’.

The steps in the “won’t work” topic are generally the excuses that frequent relapsers offer. But they are helpful in their own way. What is important is not only the steps leading up to it, but maintaining the tempo once you have reached the crucial stage of ZERO cigarettes a day.

3) Penultimate stage – Quitting it By the time you have worked on stages 1 and 2 above, you would be feeling strong enough to risk quitting it. As the experts suggest, you should decide on a date. NOT like a ‘new year’s resolution’ - More like a new Quit Smoking Revolution! You’re the leader of the campaign and then just go for it!

Are you ready to quit smoking? We can take this quit smoking journey together and make real progress to a healthier life.

Don't Quit Smoking! Immediately - Part II

In the previous article, I mentioned a quitting date as the penultimate stage. I will take you further, but first, a few do’s and don’ts for the D-date

Day(s) before :

•Don’t oversmoke the previous few days, specially the last day. It will increase the urge and weaken your resolve.

•Don’t leave cigarettes in your home/office/shop/automobile, anywhere that will cause you to pick it up, and maybe light it.

•Keep yourself busy.

•Unless you are bone-tired, indulge in frequent deep breathing exercises.

•If you have consulted any medical worker in advance, follow his advice on the intake of medicines/substitutes. Do not indulge in self-medication, it can be harmful. The D-day Morning

•The crucial time. The urge is greatest at this time, and the actions automatic. Your hand will seek out the fags and, if you have one around, you will light up without thinking. When you don’t find any around then you will remember that this is the D-day. The day when you change your life forever. But why aren’t you happy about it? Why do you feel miserable? The desire to light up one is enormous, just one, then you can feel in control for the rest of the day, you think. But wait. You HAVE to control yourself because you don’t have any cigarettes with you !!!.

•The desire increases with every passing action, brushing teeth, morning tea, breakfast .. watching the news, reading the newspaper etc. I know, because I have been there. But the hardest part of the day is simply not lighting up the first one in the morning. As I said, I have been there. I know what it feels like. The physical urge diminishes with time. What brings you back is a sense of bereavement, as if you have lost a limb. If you can get through the mornings during the first week, you are home.

As The Day Progresses...

•As the day passes, you will find your attention diverted not so much towards the urge, but to the fact that you have lasted so many hours without smoking. You will face a variety of emotions - wonder at your will power – there’s that dreaded term again - ‘Will Power’, anxiety, maybe depression, maybe overconfidence. Don’t worry. Let the emotions run their course. The important thing for you is – don’t light one, don’t puff one, don’t touch one, don’t even look at a cigarette.

•If you are in a smoker’s company, ask them not to smoke in your presence. You see, this is the day you declare your intentions openly. Most of the smokers will appreciate your achievement to quit and co-operate. Of course, there will be those who won’t care. With such people, you will have to distance yourself as much as practically possible. Try to be with the people who will co-operate.

•If you have confided in a counselor/ medical advisor/ friend/ confidante, keep in touch with him/ her 3-4 times during the day, if possible. But make it light communication come progress report. Don’t use the person as an emotional toilet.

•As far as possible, stay in no-smoking areas and in non-smoker’s company.

•You will come to a stage when you think you got it under control. You will be tempted to have one as a treat or prize for yourself.. or maybe you will want to test yourself by having ‘Only One’ And ‘No More’. BEWARE. This stage is the beast raising its head tantalizingly. Remember Nancy Reagan – “Just say no” to yourself.

•When you resist the above stage, you will find that the physical urge is mostly mythical. You don’t feel any physical ill effects – no shivering, no fever, no aches of any kind.

The answers in part three…

Are you ready to quit smoking? We can take this quit smoking journey together and make real progress to a healthier life.
This concludes Part two of the Don't Quit Smoking Series

Quit smoking reasons

Tuesday, 24 July 2007

Why Hypnotherapy is the Most Successful Way to Stop Smoking

Many people feel that smoking is such an addictive habit that there is no easy way to quit. Many simply don’t even try. Others make half hearted attempts but are back on the weed within a day or so. Some are determined to stop smoking and seek out the best methods for doing so. A few people succeed with sheer will power. Some use nicotine patches or gum to relieve the craving and break the habit that way. Others turn to alternative treatments and therapies. In an extensive study at the end of the last century, of all the stop smoking methods tried, hypnotherapy came out as the most successful method to quit smoking. Here is an overview of how and why hypnotherapy works so well in helping people to stop smoking.

A good hypnotherapist will know that when a smoker comes to visit their practice, that person is absolutely desperate to stop smoking. It takes an enormous amount of courage to venture into the unknown and this gives the practitioner of hypnotherapy a great advantage over those other methods used to quit smoking. In most cases, this is the client’s last resort and they are prepared to give it their best shot.

Armed with this knowledge, the hypnotherapist is ready for the smoker. He or she will unleash a barrage of reasons why smoking is so bad for their client and follow up with a whole host of reasons why they should stop smoking, here and now. While still reeling from the information overload of why they absolutely should quit smoking, the smoker is then gently placed into hypnosis by a relaxation method known as progressive relaxation. This is where the skilled hypnotherapist uses verbal imagery hypnotherapy techniques to relax the entire body of the client in such a way as to make them feel at ease and not threatened in any way.

Hypnotherapy uses a person’s relaxed state to deliver suggestions directly to the subconscious part of their mind, where they will take root and become a part of the person’s normal mind-set. Once the client is hypnotised deeply enough, the hypnotherapist then goes about delivering the specific suggestions that will bring about the change in the client’s thought process that will make it feel natural to be a non-smoker. This small detail is, in fact, very important. It is easier to stop smoking when a person is in the frame of mind that they are a non-smoker rather than someone who is giving up, or who has quit smoking. These imply the person was a smoker, which will remain at the back of their minds and could lead to them reverting back to the way they were if subjected to temptation. The person who has the mindset of a non-smoker, interestingly, is not so vulnerable to the temptation to restart their habit, as that habit has been effectively forgotten. In its simplest terms, someone who has quit smoking, was once a smoker. Someone who is a non-smoker is a person who doesn’t smoke. There is a world of difference in those two statements and the good hypnotherapist knows this.

Together with a heap of information on the dangers of smoking, all the reasons why it is desirable to quit smoking combined with powerful hypnotic suggestions designed to alter the mindset of the ex-smoker to that of a non-smoker, the skilled hypnotherapist will engineer the change that will enable their client to walk out of their practice as a non-smoker. It is for this reason hypnotherapy has been cited the most successful way to stop smoking.

Hypnotherapist Terry Didcott has over 12 years of solid practical experience behind him. If you smoke and you really want to quit, he can help. Check out the high spec “Stop Smoking Today!” CD at his website - and find out more.

How To Hypnotize Fast

People always border me with questions like "how to hypnotize fast", though at times this might look confusing because hypnosis means different things to many people. Hypnosis is not all about saying words, a method of standing or looking in a hypnotic way. The fact about how to hypnotize is someone who knows that you want to hypnotize him or her. I am going to talk deep about one of the methods of how to hypnotize fast and the other methods you will need one of my favorite hypnotist to learn that. This method is called The Reinforcement Style. Here it involves three steps which are :

1) Explaining the way you feel in a hypnotic state.

2) Command the person you want to hypnotize to produce them.

3) As soon as your client start to produce them reply with commending words like thats fine, its ok etc.

Ask your client to produce the signs of trance, as he is doing it monitor and see where he does it well, once you notice a spot where the hypnosis is done well commend him by saying thats fine. Do this style facing your client, make him open his eyes if he so wishes or he can close them if he wants to. If finally the decision is for your client to open his eyes, though its preferable for your client to open their eyes to enable you hypnotize him fast. Tell him to focus far into his mind, that is to think deep into his mind, be in the same posture as your client is and also start breathing exactly at the exact rate he is breathing. Monitor your client closely and see that you are getting the rate at which he is breathing even though not the exact rate.

I have something in mind, let's quit this hypnosis and return later, theirs something i want to get straight. I want to tell you stuffs that bring about hypnosis after am through with it we will return to our usual state of mind. This is made to give you an insight of what hypnosis is all about and after that we will continue the hypnosis, make your client respond ok in a deep way.

Begin with eyes open and when they are weak and need to close them, let him do it. It is normal for you to lose the desire to move because you are in a comfortable mode. Wait for an affirmation message to proceed, after you say begin, reproduce as many signs of hypnosis as you can with your eyes open. This has the capability to make you hypnotize fast, as soon as the signs of hypnosis begins to appear tell your client commending messages like your are doing good, thats excellent. They are two signs that will occur which are : His shoulder will begin to contract thats good and his breathing slow down thats normal and the face relaxes thats excellent, continue for 5 minutes and count them out.

Ask them what they experienced while you were hypnotizing them, like - whats it like? and wait for a response . Perfecting to hypnotize fast is a kind of skill, it gets deeper and faster the more time you do it. They are certain answers those that wants to hypnotize fast always want to know, whats the best inductions, best song and best food for hypnosis to act fast? It varies from people to people and as i said in the beginning what may be good for A might not be good for B. Fast hypnosis is like a conversation, is like you tell you client something and he does it instantly without complaining. Some client usually have the problem of their eyes popping open while you are hypnotizing them, normally its supposed to be close. You may fail while doing every possible best to make their eyes close and still it wont. Thats hypnosis for me it doesn't work with everybody.

FFinally, I hope you enjoyed this summary of how to hypnotize fast, if you want to learn deeper into how to hypnotize fast i recommend a hypnotist i have known over the years who teaches people how to hypnotize, his hypnosis techniques can be used to quit smoking, control the mind and also weight loss, for more information visit How to Hypnotize Fast. Thanks for reading.

Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy

Not everyone can claim that the cigarette that he or she is holding is the last cigarette. It takes much more will power, help, or medication to get away from the temptations of nicotine. To stop smoking, we get involved in plans that take us through so many steps so that your dependence is primarily chemically tied. Pills and drugs help one sustain the cravings. But the inevitable question is ‘what happens when you stop taking the medication?’

A lot of these plans don’t account for the psychological effects when one tries to stop smoking. With individuals returning to smoking, there’s reason to think that there’s more to the conventional plans. Instead of physical treatments to combating the smoking habit, some are considering alternative methods. Hypnotherapy is such a process where one can deal with problems by appealing directly to the inner consciousness. The patient can examine one’s habits that are from the core level. With changes in the inner consciousness, one can change.

The process of hypnotherapy involves consultation with a hypnotherapist. The therapist will typically ask you to fill out a questionnaire so that he or she can get a better feel for your needs. The intake form will ask for your habits, tendencies and information about your background.

Once the therapist has the information, you’ll be asked to come for a hypnotherapy session where you schedule your meeting. This session involves the actual hypnosis. In attempting to get the patient in a hypnotic state, the therapist will tell the person to relax as much as possible. The deep state of relaxation is important since this is the state where the therapist can reach the subconscious mind. In some cases, the patient is asked to focus on some thought that will trigger a change in the state.

Why is the subconscious state desirable? It is under this condition that the individual is highly receptive to new suggestions and ideas. The therapist uses imagery and positive suggestions during this moment to help the client imagine a life without cigarettes or nicotine. What’s also interesting is that the therapist will not say “don’t smoke” during the session. By saying not to smoke may trigger someone to smoke, simply because we tend to do what we’re told not to. Hence, negative influences are almost never used under a hypnosis session. Instead, the therapist makes the client think about a positive life without smoke.

A typical stop smoking program may go for weeks, or even months. The program may not be cheap, but the benefits could be more effective than other conventional plans. For someone serious about hypnotherapy for smoking, it may not be advantageous to take the one-time sessions with a group. These programs are not as effective since they don’t focus on your specific needs.

Some hypnotherapists may provide a cd of the hypnosis session so that the quitter can revert to the session at his or her convenience. In fact, some recommend that one listens to the sessions every night under relaxed conditions.

Hypnotherapy should be a consideration if conventional means such as medication do not work. The cravings for nicotine may be psychological and the best way to combat it may be through hypnosis.

Michael Russell

Your Independent Stop Smoking guide.

How to Effectively Use Self-Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

Certain studies have discovered that people who used self-hypnosis to help them quit smoking enjoyed better results than those who chose to quit smoking on their own. These studies also predicted more positive outcomes for those who are receiving emotional support from their loved ones at home. If you are serious about quitting smoking, why not take a chance on self-hypnosis?

Tips on Using Self-Hypnosis to Help You Stop Smoking

Start by understanding why smoking is bad for your health. Unlike eating chocolates or drinking liquor, both of which have certain benefits to offer, there is nothing healthy whatsoever about smoking.

When you inhale or swallow nicotine inside you, it pollutes and damages not only your lungs but the rest of your respiratory system and other parts of the body as well. It only gets worse and worse as you smoke more and more. Smoking will cause you to suffer from heart complications and other serious conditions, all of which can be life-threatening.

Those are not only the bad effects of smoking. When you smoke, you also suffer from bad breath, which could make it harder for you to befriend other people since they’ll be too busy avoiding inhaling your breath to have time to tell you their names. Smoking can also cause you to have yellow teeth, something that could be a definite turn-off for your dates. The smell of smoke also clings to your clothes, your car’s carpets, as well as your things.

When you smoke, you become less healthy, making it harder for you to keep up with people in your age when they play sports or do something physical. Smoking is also a very costly habit to have, depending on how much you smoke each day. Insurance policies also become more expensive to acquire if you’re smoking.

Lastly, the fact that you’re smoking also endangers people in your vicinity. Secondhand smoke also has the power to ruin people’s health, and you should feel guilty for making people around you unhealthy when they don’t deserve to be.

Knowing and understanding the extent of damage that smoking can cause to you and your loved ones is very important and integral to the effectiveness of self-hypnosis. Now that you know just how bad smoking is for your health, you’re in the right frame of mind to welcome the suggestions you’ve made by self-hypnosis.

Start by telling yourself that you’re going to stop smoking because you know it’s bad for you. You’re going to stop smoking because you don’t want to hurt other people anymore.

Tell yourself as well that you are going to stop smoking right here and right now. You won’t ever pick another cigarette stick anymore. Tell yourself that the mere idea or thought of smoking makes you feel ill.

In your self-hypnosis session or recording, tell yourself that you don’t find quitting smoking difficult. Instead, you find it very easy and not at all challenging because you know it’s the right thing to do. Emphasize the easy and right parts.

Repeat or listen to these statements everyday as you go to sleep and upon waking up. Create an image in your mind in which you’re healthier, happier, and better looking because you’ve succeeded in quitting smoking.

If you have other psychological and emotional reasons for smoking, use self-hypnosis to eliminate all of them from your mindset. Tell yourself that you don’t need smoking to entertain yourself, forget your problems, or reduce your stress levels. Tell yourself that you can do all those and more without the help and use of smoking.

Complementary Tools for Self-Hypnosis for Stopping Yourself from Smoking Of course, self-hypnosis can’t work by itself in helping you quit smoking. You should do other things to expedite the process.

Exercise more. Use exercising as a response to every time you wish to smoke. Find other outlets whenever your body starts to crave for nicotine.

Join support groups because you’ll find it easier to speak with them about your problems since all of you share the same problems with smoking.

And last but not the least, do not hesitate to accept the help and support from your loved ones. Don’t be proud and resist what they’re offering because you need what they’re giving you, and your loved ones will also feel better if you let them help you.

Why Would a Hypnosis Seminar to Stop Smoking be Needed?

Quitting smoking is important to many smokers and there are various ways that are advertised to help stop smoking. Hypnosis is one of these options and there are different methods on offer including, hypnotherapy sessions, hypnosis cds and even the attendance of a hypnosis seminar to stop smoking. The different methods available are useful in various ways. One on one sessions are generally recognized to be the best solution to the problem while cds are a more convenient way to aid the cessation of a smoking habit. An hypnosis seminar to stop smoking is usually used by people that want company in their efforts to stop smoking and can even be arranged by a business in order to help a large number of their employees stop taking smoke breaks.

Many people do not believe that attending a hypnosis seminar to stop smoking will do any use and it does not work for a lot of people. However, the social aspect of having a large group of people with the same problem and need come together in order to make a change can be particularly motivating and encouraging to a number of people. Smoking can be a social activity so perhaps the act of quitting smoking being a social activity can help replace the need. A hypnosis seminar to stop smoking does not deal with individual problems however.

Benefits and Drawbacks to Attending a Hypnosis Seminar to Stop Smoking

The benefits to attending a hypnosis seminar to stop smoking can be that you are not alone in your effort to quit this habit. Many people feel pressure to stop smoking and it can be hard but a group effort can be the trick needed to go the final distance. A hypnosis seminar to stop smoking can work out cheaper per person than by seeing a therapist individually which can be costly which means that people with less money can also benefit. As many businesses are losing out on production because of the number of smoke breaks taken by their employees, it can be beneficial for them to try and sort out the problem in bulk.

The drawbacks to attending a hypnosis seminar to stop smoking can be multiple. There are many non-licensed therapists who have learned a skill by attending a quick course and sell what they have learned to the unsuspecting suspect. This can be a rip off in terms of the service provided and the lack of qualifications to provide this service. Seeing a qualified therapist is a preferable option as they are guaranteed to have studied for a long time on the effects of hypnotherapy on different personalities. A seminar does not focus on individual problems or issues and can be a broad generalization that will not benefit every person that attends the seminar.

If you want to learn more about stop smoking hypnosis please visit our site which is free to the public. You'll find the best tips on everything to do with hypnosis

Improve your self confidence in 15 minutes

I used to be frighteningly under confident in social situations. And although people who know me now would never believe I used to doubt myself so much I literally had to learn confidence until it became a natural part of me. I can tell you relaxed optimistic confidence is just, well so much more fun.

Here I'll tell you about the things that made the most difference to my confidence levels...

Some people have naturally high levels of confidence but everybody can learn to be more confident

Firstly, it's important to get a clear idea of what self confidence really means, otherwise you won't know when you've got it! So, self confidence means:

1) Being calm. For every situation in life you need to run on the appropriate level of emotion. Too much emotional 'leakage' into a experience can spoil the experience. You make great strides towards confidence when you begin to relax in a greater range of situations.

2) Being cool. The second part of self confidence is about being able to relax with uncertainty. To be 'cool' in a situation really means relaxing with not knowing how things will pan out. If you truly tolerate uncertainty, you can do pretty much anything.

3) Not being too concerned with what others think of you. You know when you imagine what some place is going to be like before you go there but when you get there it is totally different to your imagination? That's how reliable your imagination is! Stop trusting your imagination so much. I've long since stopped bothering to imagine what others think of me because so often I've turned out to be wrong.

4) Being specific - where do you want confidence? 'Confidence' is meaningless until you tie it to something specific. You are already confident that you can read these words or can switch a light on and off. So you don't need more confidence everywhere. To get what you want in life you have to establish exactly what you do want. Where do you want confidence in your life? Think about the specific situations now and write them down. You beginning to steer your brain towards confidence.

5) Understanding that what you expect is what you get. Your brain is an organ that needs clear goals to work towards. When a task has been set in your brain it will do everything it can do to bring about the completion of that task. If you've tried to recall someone's name but can't, hours later you'll often find their name pops into your head.

The 'trying to recall' experience set the task or blueprint for your brain's future subconscious behaviour which eventually produced the name for you - when you weren't thinking about it consciously. You can use this natural mechanism to start feeling more confident. But, to ensure you set the right task for your subconscious mind, the next point is vital.

6) Don't task your mind with negatives. Instead of: 'I don't want to screw up' (which sets the task of 'screwing up' for your brain), set the blueprint for what you do want! Your brain doesn't work towards what to do by being told what not to do. And nature has given you a wonderful natural tool to set the right task blueprints with.

7) Use nature's goal-setter: Now you understand how vital it is to set the right task for you brain, you need to know how to do this reliably. Good hypnosis will strongly 'program' the right blueprint in your mind through the use of your imagination. If you powerfully imagine feeling confident and relaxed while in a relaxed hypnotic state it will be hard for your unconscious mind to do anything else. The blueprint for relaxation has been set firmly into your subconscious mind.

3 simple strategies to get you feeling confident quickly:

1) Think specifically of the time/place/situation you want to feel confident in. Remember 'confidence' doesn't mean anything until you attach it to something specific.

2) Focus on words in your mind right now that describe how you do want to be in that time and place. Maybe words such as 'calm', 'relaxed' or 'focused'. Remember your brain works on clear positive instructions.

3) Close your eyes for as long as you like and think about how those words feel. Then, imagine the situation itself and rehearse it in your mind feeling confident and relaxed. This way you set the right blueprint or 'task' for your unconscious mind.

You can repeat this often to make it more effective and use it with as many areas of your life as you need to. If you listen to a hypnotic cd or download that can make the benefits even more powerful (see my profile below). So if you feel like you'd be blessed with less confidence than some other people you can start redressing the balance by using your mind in the right way right now.

It took me years to learn how to be more confident - now you can do it in a fraction of the time. Good luck!

Boost your confidence now at

Article by Mark Tyrrell of Hypnosis

Reassuring Reasons why Hypnosis is your Friend

Believe the hype or think for yourself

For too long hypnosis has had a bad or 'difficult' press. If a person doesn't understand something they have 3 options open to them.

1) They might be sceptical and therefore save the trouble of looking further and possibly benefiting.
2) They may conclude it is dangerous and to be avoided at all costs.
3) They may spend time discovering the truth behind the hype.

If you don't know much about a topic it's easy to be suspicious. Some people assume hypnosis is akin to a carnival side show, others consider it mystic mumbo jumbo or 'mind control.' For those who look beyond the hype the truth is far more illuminating.

The most powerful tool you possess

There are potentially huge benefits for those who use hypnosis as part of everyday life. When you understand hypnosis you start to see its potential to improve human performance in the physical, emotional and intellectual realms. For me, rumour, gossip and suspicion weren't good enough.

I determined to learn all I could about hypnosis - I learned every fact and practised every technique under the sun. I took several training courses - some good, some terrible. I invested thousands of hours of devoted study to hypnosis and discovered just what is possible. I hypnotised friends, neighbours and work colleagues. Hypnosis greatly changed things for me on a personal level

How hypnosis helped me

I used to be shy. Thanks to hypnosis I can now talk to thousands at a time and can approach anybody calmly and confidently.

I used to have poor concentration and procrastinate; thanks to hypnosis I can instantly motivate myself.

I used to find physical work outs and exercise exhausting but because of hypnosis I am now in the best shape of my life.

Incidentally I also stopped myself blushing with hypnosis. Now if ever I have a difficult call or conversation coming up, something I may naturally feel reluctant to do (you know the kind of thing) I spontaneously self hypnotise and rehearse the upcoming situation feeling good, with myself remaining calm. In this way I habitually set my own emotional 'blue prints' for up coming situations. Having said that it's naturally that some people have concerns or half digested 'hand me down' ideas regarding hypnosis. A common one is the one about 'mind control.' However what does this really mean?

Why you are more in control of yourself in hypnosis

If someone expresses concerns about being 'controlled' in hypnosis what they mean is they don't want to be like a robot, an automaton that is forced to obey the every whim of the hypnotist. We can't help but influence others but we don't control them. To understand why you need to understand hypnosis better.

So what is hypnosis like?

Hypnosis isn't like a coma. It's not unconsciousness - more a subtle shifting of consciousness. In hypnosis, you can still think logically but you also have access to the 'software' of your mind so that you can update instinctive emotional and physical responses. In fact the hypnotised subject (not the hypnotist) calls the shots. When I hypnotise someone I need to go at their speed and respond to their needs and expectations. Hypnosis will give you more control in your own life because of what it enables you to do.

How can I be so sure?

Because over the decades I've seen all kinds of people, all ages and from all backgrounds turn their lives around thanks to hypnosis. When you use hypnosis for yourself it improves confidence in all kinds of ways. When you use it to change other's lives it just blows you away. This is what I mean.

When I first hypnotised someone to feel no sensation in a painful arthritic arm it was an incredible feeling. When I first cured life long phobias quickly and comfortably I was astounded. When I stopped hardened alcoholics from drinking and even got a heroin addict off the stuff and back into mainstream life again I started to feel angry that people could just associate hypnosis with entertainment.

With the aid of hypnosis I (and many people I have trained and worked with) have helped severely depressed people feel strong and positive again. The rewards and satisfactions are hard to describe. I'm going to take a stand against ignorance and short sightedness around hypnosis and here's why.

Why you need to reclaim hypnosis for yourself

Hypnosis is your birthright. It's nature's optimum learning tool. In fact to learn and perform anything well you need to experience a natural focussing of attention, a natural kind of hypnosis. To be successful hypnosis needs to be your companion and friend.

Successful people use it naturally all the time because hypnosis is natural. It's the way we learn new responses. Unlike medications its side effects are purely positive - one expectant mother I worked with to feel relaxed during child birth later reported that she was also more relaxed when flying!

Hypnosis is easy to learn and every body can benefit. Hypnosis is a safe environment to 'try out' new behaviours and emotional patterns before you experience them for real. So the young man can ask a woman out for a date many times in calm relaxed hypnosis so that by the time he does it for real it feels real and natural and relaxed. Sports people who use hypnosis learn new quicker and more accurately. So hypnosis gives you more control of yourself and your life, it's natural and gives you instant benefits and it's a way of 'trying on' and establishing new patterns of emotional response and behaviour, Hypnosis enables you to develop yourself as a human being. offer a free course called 'Learn Hypnosis in 5 Days'.

Article by Mark Tyrrell of Hypnosis

5 Hypnosis Myths Exploded

OVER the years, hypnosis has picked up all sorts of weird associations from stage hypnotists, the media and superstition. This is a great shame, because in reality, hypnosis is your single most effective tool for change. Hypnosis is your birthright, and you should know how to use it so it doesn't use you. Here we dispel the biggest hypnosis myths.

Hypnosis Myth 1) All hypnosis is the same

As with anything, hypnosis can be good, bad or indifferent. The most common is old-style authoritarian hypnosis of the type "You are getting sleepy, you are feeling confident". Unsurprisingly, this sort of hypnosis doesn't work well with many people. Good hypnosis uses subtle psychological principles and advanced communication patterns.

It's like the difference between a football coach who thinks you'll perform best if he yells at you, compared with the more elegant style of a great leader who knows that to get the best from his people, he needs to understand motivation, to cajole, encourage and reward.

Hypnosis offers hundreds of sessions using the best type of hypnosis.

Hypnosis Myth 2) Subliminals work

Subliminals are words that you can't hear. Common sense says they shouldn't work, and there's no research proving that they do.

Hypnosis Myth 3) Some people can't be hypnotized

The only reason you can't be hypnotized is if you are incapable of paying attention due to extremely low IQ or brain damage. That's not to say that every hypnotist can hypnotize you however. The more flexible the hypnotist, the more effective she will be with the largest number of people.

Hypnosis Myth 4) Hypnosis is something weird that other people do to you

If you couldn't go into hypnosis, you wouldn't be able to sleep, to learn, or get nervous through 'negative self hypnosis'. (You know when you imagine things going wrong and it makes you feel anxious? Well that's self hypnosis!)

Hypnosis is simply a deliberate utilization of the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or dream state. We're not giving people medication here – if it wasn't a natural ability, hypnosis wouldn't work!

Hypnosis Myth 5) You lose control in hypnosis

Crazy news stories, stage hypnotists and gossip have created the illusion that you lose control in hypnosis. In fact, when hypnotized, you are relaxed and focused – and able to choose to get up and walk away at any time. You choose to give your attention to the hypnotist, and you can withdraw it at any time.

If you have been scared of hypnosis in the past, this article has hopefully convinced you to at least give it a try. But remember, ensure what you're getting is the real thing. Visit

[Notes for use: you are licensed only to use this material unaltered to promote the affiliate program.]

Article by Mark Tyrrell of Hypnosis

You Are Not In My Power

Fear can prevent people from taking positive action. One of the greatest difficulties in my practice is dispelling all the misconceptions they have about hypnosis. Too many people are locked into a late night movie understanding of hypnosis. They believe that a person who is hypnotized is under the power of the hypnotist and have lost their free will. Furthermore they believe they may never “wake up” from their hypnotic state. When an embarrassing question is asked, they are certain they will blurt out the truth about that weekend in Syracuse with the Tampa Bay cheerleaders. If you had these beliefs, would you allow someone to guide you into a hypnotic state? This is why the pre-talk before my inductions is so important.

For those of you who have not been hypnotized, I hope this little column will alleviate all your misgivings. For those of you who have been hypnotized by an experienced practitioner, you already know how misunderstood the trance state is. The mind model I will discuss comes from the teachings of Gerald Kein of Omni Hypnosis who is undoubtedly one of the best hypnosis instructors in the world today.

The mind is divided into three separate parts, the unconscious mind, the conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The unconscious mind takes care of your heart beating, your immune system and reflexes like blinking. You never even have to think about the unconscious mind.

The conscious mind is divided into four general parts, the rational mind, the analytical mind, the working memory and will power. The rational mind attempts to put all the events of life into an appropriate perspective. However our lives have gone forward from infancy taking all our actions and rationalizing them.

The analytical mind is used when an obstacle comes into our path. Perhaps your baby sitter will not be able to watch the children at the last moment and you have to make alternative plans. Your analytical mind goes through alternatives that will allow you to have the least difficulty. The analytical mind is great for that.

The working or short-term memory is available to you at a moment’s notice. This memory allows you to recall family names, how to get to work or the store as well as the simple everyday things that are useful to surviving every day.

The last part of the conscious mind that I want to discuss is will power. We are all familiar with this part of our being. How many times have you told yourself you were going to stop smoking or biting your fingernails only to go right back to it.

What is not clearly understood by most people is the fact that the conscious mind is merely the tip of the iceberg. It is what everyone can see from the surface, but just as the Titanic discovered it is what is below the surface that can cause the ship to sink. The iceberg has been created by collecting bits of ice and debris from its travels. The subconscious mind is similar. Every event in your life has an effect on you as a person. The effect can be momentarily profound and fade away, or it can seem incredibly incidental and have long lasting consequences. You can never know until you explore beneath the waterline and see the full scope of its structure.

Though it is not evident, the subconscious mind sculpts you into the person you become. It takes the totality of your life’s experiences and molds your destiny. The subconscious mind never forgets anything. Every sound, smell, pain, pleasure and sensation you have had is recorded deep within the subconscious mind can be extracted with the right approach.

The subconscious mind deals with emotions as well. When an emotion is brought about by an event on the conscious level, the subconscious springs into action causing you to react in ways you have no clear understanding of. We all have emotions and dealing with them is not an easy thing to do. They reside at the subconscious level.

Another element of the subconscious mind is the domain of habits. Habits can be positive, negative or neutral, but they do exist. Smoking, overeating, and reading are habits that are established over time. To this day, I habitually stop at bookstores even when I have four books I have not read. So you can see not all habits are detrimental to our lives.

An important factor of the subconscious mind is the fact that it must protect us from dangers real and imaginary. As you sleep, you may well wake up in a sweat, your heart racing and out of breath. In your dream, you may have visualized a giant cucumber that attempts to eat you. You subconscious mind cannot differentiate between real and imaginary danger and the dream supplies your body with adrenaline to fuel an escape. This protective aspect of the subconscious mind can become engaged after an event while conscious.

To prevent the repetition of psychic pain, a horrendous event in our lives can be buried in the subconscious. This sort of landmine can be devastating if it metaphorically explodes at the wrong time. Even if it never explodes, it can serve as a type of speed bump that pops up and affects the path of our life.

The subconscious mind does not accept change easily. It likes to maintain the status quo. When a suggestion for positive change is made, the suggestion must go through the conscious level. At this level it is being evaluated by what is the known as the critical factor of the conscious mind. If it fails, all we have available to make the change is our will power. We must go beneath the surface of the conscious mind and get to the subconscious. That is what hypnosis does.

Hypnosis is bypassing the critical factor of the conscious mind for the establishment of selective positive thinking. After bypassing the critical factor, the mind has to make one of four choices to determine if the suggestion will be accepted or rejected. The person who is hypnotized determines which choice is made.

Should a person say, “I love this suggestion, I know it is going to work,” the change will begin instantly and be locked in. If they have a doubt about it, the suggestion will be rejected. If they are apathetic about the suggestion, it will have no power and disappear. Should they determine, they “hope” it will work, they accept the assured failure that comes from trying or attempting something without being certain of success.

The hypnotist has no control over the choices that are made. The hypnotist is merely guiding the client on a journey, but they must go together. It can be a wonderful journey full of discovery and wonder, but the client can always leave at any point. Hypnosis is an entirely consensual act between the hypnotist and their client. The client is always in control.

Tim Horn was designated a Master Hypnotist in 1993 by the National Guild of Hypnotists, the largest hypnosis organization in the United States. Tim, a teacher, writer and consulting hypnotist, has helped people quit smoking, lose weight, deal with anxiety, and improve grades. He has a unique ability is to see each client as an individual and deal one on one with their problems. As one client said, “Tim has been a complete life saver to me.” He can be reached at

Debunking Myths on Using Hypnosis to Stop Smoking

For so many years now, hypnosis as one way to stop smoking is considered one of the most effective technique in helping people stop smoking. In spite of its popularity as a great alternative medication used to stop smoking, many people are still confused and baffled on its efficiency. With high dependency on substances found in tobacco or cigarettes, most people say that hypnosis or mind control cannot easily eradicate smoking addiction.

This assertion can well be accepted if they can prove it. However, some individuals continue to debate on the effectivity of hypnosis because their beliefs had been deeply rooted on some myths that are not extremely reliable. Unfortunately, most people who had been brainwashed by myths on hypnosis are those that do not know anything about hypnosis.

Myths on hypnosis to stop smoking have become deeply rooted beliefs that other people are not even aware of them. Consequently, they are very difficult to break. Here is a list of some myths on how hypnosis is used to stop smoking and the truths behind them:

1. Hypnosis lets you do things against your will

Most people, who do not believe that an individual can use hypnosis to stop smoking, consider the statement that hypnotist can control the mind of an individual and let him do things even if they are against his will. This is definitely false. The point is that if hypnosis can allow people to control other people’s minds, then getting rich can be so easy. You do not even have to create a certain distinction on a smoker’s mind frame and help him stop smoking for life. This is because even if he does not want to stop smoking, he will be compelled to do so because his mind has been programmed and controlled to do such act.

The truth is that hypnosis can never let anybody do things against their will. Even if hypnosis can work its way through your subconscious mind, it is still your conscious mind that will put more bearing on things that you want to attain. The only goal of hypnosis is to help you program your mind to clear things that impede the realization of your goal.

For example, if you really want to stop smoking but you always have excuses or some things influence you to continue, you can opt for hypnosis to stop smoking. In this way, hypnosis can determine the hostilities of your sub-conscious mind so as to achieve the goals of your conscious self.

2. You can be hypnotized even if you do not want to

Some people say that anybody can be hypnotized even if they do not want to. This is totally a myth. Hypnosis is established on the fact that people are willing to be hypnotized because they wanted to see changes in their selves, from which they cannot consciously do. Because there are so many things that block the total concentration of an individual in focusing his mind to important things, such as quit smoking, they can always opt for hypnosis.

As much as you are willing to stop smoking, people who are hypnotized are usually the ones who submit themselves to such acts. In fact, some experts even say that not all people who are willing to be hypnotized can be easily directed to a hypnotic state. Keep in mind that willingness is the key to achieve your goals.

3. You are totally unaware of everything once hypnotized

The truth is that hypnosis can only get through your sub-conscious state. This means that you are not totally conscious but can still be slightly aware of what is happening around you. No wonder why individuals who are in hypnotic state can still answer sensibly the hypnotist’s questions or can still respond to the hypnotist’s suggestions.

The point here is that hypnosis can only alter your conscious state but can never let you leave it. Through hypnosis, one can easily see things not being accepted in reality or in one’s conscious state. Hence, acceptance is best achieved through hypnosis.

So through hypnosis, you would be able to accept that maybe, one of the reason why you cannot stop smoking even if you wanted to is because you still want to build that manly image. In real, it may be hard for you to admit this but through hypnosis, you can sub-consciously realize this and eventually stop smoking.

All of these myths are totally illusions of things hypnosis is not. Maybe, this can be rooted on the fact that not all people understand the real meaning of hypnosis. But once you have learned its meaning, it will be easier for you to accept the fact that you can effectively use hypnosis to stop smoking.

5 Reasons To Consider Smoking Hypnosis

Kicking the smoking habit might be one of the hardest things some people accomplish during their lifetime. This habit brings with it two different forms of addiction. Not only is it a psychological addiction, but also a physical one, as well. With this in mind, anything that might possibly help hedge the odds in favor of success is a good thing to consider. Smoking hypnosis is one of those things.

While some people might find smoking hypnosis a little "out there," there are many studies that indicate this can actually help a great deal. Smoking hypnosis is meant to help bolster a person's resolve to not only break the psychological addiction, but also face the difficulties associated with the physical side, as well. Smoking hypnosis achieves this by helping a person, on the subconscious level, focus on other things that bring similar pleasures to them that aren't quite as bad. Whether it's deep relaxation, taking a walk or chewing on a carrot stick, refocusing the mind is one of the strengths of stop smoking hypnosis.

Although not everyone will be willing to give smoking hypnosis a try, there are a number of compelling reasons to do so:

Health. Quitting smoking, no matter how it's done, can be a major boon for good health. Smoking hypnosis can be a beneficial choice since it doesn't come with "side effects" and it can really help someone who is determined to quit do so.

Money. Smoking costs a whole lot of money. As the prices continue to rise, more people are looking to kick the habit for this reason. If smoking hypnosis is successful, the amount of money saved over the course of a week, month or year can be quite surprising.

Energy. Everyone knows that smoking can impact health, but it can also hurt energy levels. People who have managed to quit have reported feeling a great deal better within a few days – energy levels and all. If smoking hypnosis can help, it seems worth a try.

Cleanliness. Smoking is a disgusting habit that not only hurts the body, it can mess up a house. With nicotine stains and smoke smells gone, a person can feel a lot better about themselves and their surroundings. Smoking hypnosis has helped make this possible for many.

Cost. Smoking hypnosis tends to be rather inexpensive. While it might take a visit or two to take hold, the cost is nothing compared to a few cartons of cigarettes. Many people find they have nothing to lose by trying smoking hypnosis and everything to gain.

Smoking hypnosis might not work for everyone, but for those it does, the results can be quite pleasing. Kicking the habit once and for all is good for the body, mind and spirit.

Milos Pesic is a professional hypnotist who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Hypnosis web site. For more articles and resources on Hypnosis related topics, self hypnosis, weight loss hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis, hypnosis scripts and much more visit his site at:


How To Hypnotize Yourself

Hypnosis has long been rumored to have powerful mind-altering properties which can help to treat a range of psychological conditions and lifestyle habits. Conjuring images of elaborate stage shows with unsuspecting ordinary people making a fool of themselves, hypnotism has been seen as a joke, or entertainment for decades. Although conventional medicine may still be a little skeptical as to the effectiveness of alternative treatments like hypnosis, there are hundreds of thousands of success stories around the world in favor of these alternative methods. By conducting the mind of the patient (or victim?) in a state of total relaxation, the hypnotist can change the pattern of thought, for example to turn a patient off smoking cigarettes. It is thought that whilst the mind is reduced to this placid, almost semi-conscious state, the hypnotist can access the inner most anxieties and feelings of the patient to make a permanent change to their mental well-being.

The process of self-hypnosis takes conventional hypnotism one stage further. Rather than hypnosis for stage performance, or for treating others, self-hypnosis revolves around sending one's own mind into a state of relaxation. By learning the key techniques to hypnotizing one's self, you can treat a variety of your fears and anxieties, and allow a platform for self-improvement at many different levels.

It is important firstly to make the distinction between hypnosis, and what is known as hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is the actual treatment of patients with psychological needs, such as those who wish to break life-long habitual behavior, and those who want treatment for some underlying mental condition. Hypnosis on the other hand refers to the natural mental we may all experience from time to time, which relaxes the mind and opens it to the power of subtle suggestion. Hypnosis is generally reserved for improving self worth and an overall sense of well-being, and can be a very powerful and relaxing technique.

The first thing to do to hypnotize yourself is to find a relaxed and comfortable environment. Lie down, or sit down in a comfortable chair. Be conscious of the weight of your body being absorbed by the platform on which you are sitting, and feel relaxation through your arms, legs and torso. Close your eyes, and try to forget about the world, focusing on deep breathing and utter calm. After around a quarter of an hour, you should awake as if from a sleep, and you will feel significantly more relaxed and refreshed, ready to continue your daily business and deal with the stresses of every day life.

Hypnosis is a very natural process, and it is certainly not to be feared. Think of hypnosis as a conscious sleep, and understand that you are still in complete control of your actions throughout. It is merely a process whereby we can feel comfortable and deal with stress in a more constructive and healthy way.

Gray Rollins is a featured writer for If you want to learn the underground secrets of hypnotism, then be sure to visit our site and get the Underground Hypnosis course.

Quit Smoking: Why People Do Bad Things (Even When They Know They Shouldn't)

Do you do Bad Things? Even though you know you shouldn't?

It's not your fault. It really isn't. You know you should stop doing it, but no matter how much you know that, and how much you try, you just can't stop!

Everyone knows how to lose weight. Don't eat fattening foods. Exercise. Everyone knows how to give up smoking. Don’t light the cigarette. Yet having this knowledge just isn't enough. Sometimes even having the desire isn't enough! Time and again I hear about people who get really close to quitting smoking. They can get all the way down to one or two cigarettes a day, but just can't give up those last two. Many even make it all the way down to zero, but the cravings, oh the cravings! They are wretched, those cravings. Most will go back to smoking within the first few days. They can cut away most of the "stuff" that keeps them glued to the cigarettes, even not be addicted to nicotine anymore(!), but there is just something deep in their core that magnetically pulls them back in, like two lovers who know they are bad for each other but just can't help themselves.

What is this thing? What is at this core?

Let me take a step back for a moment. How many adults do you know who are happy? I mean really, truly happy? Think that question is foolishness? Let me ask you this. How many people do you know who love their work? I'm talkin' jump out of bed in the morning, can't wait to start. Sadly, the percentage is very small. Why is this?

We live in an interesting quick-fix culture. People don't really have to deal with their issues. We've got:

* television
* movies
* shopping
* toys
* and hitting the gym

to distract us and make us feel better. Even more than that, many people's issues are quite buried. Think of dreams that were squashed when we were young. "An artist? You could never make a living at that! You should be a doctor!" People often forget what their dreams once were.

As a result, I see an awful lot of unhappy, unfulfilled people walking around. They don't know what is bothering them, they just have that gnawing feeling that there must be more. Advertisers pray on this, selling us more and more bottles and gizmos to give us that ever elusive Happiness.

True inner needs? People either:

* think they're impossible to fulfill
* are too scared and resigned to fulfill them
* or are so disassociated from those needs that they don't even know what they would be even if they had to guess!

All those "bad" things -- smoking, overeating, gambling, alcohol, the list goes on and on -- are easy ways to fill the void. Smokers will be able to relate to this one -- if you've just had a fight with your family, what do you do? You go for a smoke. Smoking makes it feel like the problem goes away. (I call this the "smokescreen." Har har!)

I'll let you in on a little secret--the real reason it's so hard to quit is not the nicotine. It's this void-filling. When you quit smoking (or any bad habit), you're suddenly faced with real life. All those stresses and needs that you've been avoiding? There they are, pulling at your coat tails, yelling, "Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me!" If you got in touch with your real inner needs and took baby steps to start fulfilling them, you would actually have little desire for cigarettes. It's true! I see it happen time and again in my Stop Smoking Coaching practice.

How do you do that, you ask? Here are some baby steps that you can start trying out now:

* Next time, instead of taking that quick fix--stop.
* Have a little quiet time and listen to what your insides have been trying to tell you.
* Try journaling -- don't edit your thoughts, just write.
* Some people find meditation and yoga to be great accesses.
* Try deep breathing.
* Go for a quiet, leisurely walk by yourself.
* Personally, I find it easiest to just start noticing where in life I seem to be avoiding things the most, or if I want something more immediate and active, doing a mindmap (a word drawing) to figure out what I'm really thinking.

For each person, the key to figuring out your needs is different. Play around with it, don't give up! You'll be glad you did!

Jill Binder is The Stop Smoking Coach with a 90 day program to show people the 8 steps to quitting smoking forever, with a 100% success rate. She is the author of "What's Your Smoking Type?" and has appeared on "Daytime" (TV), "Radioactive Women" (Radio), "Good Times" (magazine), and "Metro Toronto Today" (newspaper).

You can sign up for her newsletter, "YourTurn - Turn Your Weaknesses Into Your Perfect Life" at

A Walk Through The Hypnotic Induction

Concerning the technique of the induction of hypnotic trances, this is a relatively simple matter requiring primarily time, patience, and careful attention to and consideration for the subjects, their personalities, and their emotional attitudes and reactions. Basically, there is no set form or pattern to follow. One needs the respect, confidence, and trust of a subject, and then one suggests fatigue, a desire for sleep and rest, an increasing feeling of sleep, and finally a deep sound restful sleep.

These suggestions are given repetitiously, with gradual progression from one to the next, always with careful reassurance of the subjects as they make response to them. The making of passes, the use of crystal balls, the staring into the subject's eyes, and various other mystical procedures belong to vaudeville or ancient history. One simply, persuasively, and patiently suggests sleep of a restful character until the subject does sleep, and then the subject is instructed to remain asleep until all reasonable purposes are accomplished. There should be no forcing or rushing of subjects, and every effort should be made to enable the subjects to appreciate any physical feeling they have suggestive of sleep. This simple technique can be learned by anyone, and anybody who has been hypnotized can employ it to hypnotize others, given cooperation and the patience to make use of it.

As for awakening the subject, one can suggest an arousal directly, or give the subject suggestions to the effect that he is slowly and progressively awakening, repeating these suggestions until the subject is fully awake. Once the trance state has been induced, there will become manifest various general phenomena characteristic of hypnosis, though not all are necessarily manifested by each individual subject. Foremost is the condition termed rapport, in which the hypnotic subjects respond only to the hypnotist. In the deep trance they are seemingly incapable of hearing or seeing anything unless so instructed by the hypnotist. However, this rapport may be transferred to others by appropriate suggestions by the hypnotist.

A second phenomenon is catalepsy. As a result of the hypnosis, there develops in the subjects an increase in muscular tonus so that there seems to be the same condition as exists in the stuporous catatonic patient manifesting flexibilitas cerea. Thus, the subject's hand, raised up in the air by the hypnotist, is held in that position apparently without fatigue until the hypnotist either puts it down or instructs the subject to lower it.

Amnesia constitutes another phenomenon of interest. Particularly after a deep trance the subject tends to have a profound amnesia for everything that occurred in the trance situation. This amnesia is subject to control, since the hypnotist can suggest the recovery of the memory of some or all items of the trance experience, or the subject may deliberately set himself the task of remembering everything. This phenomenon is most inconstant and uncertain, depends upon many individualistic and situational factors. In an experimental procedure the amnesia can be demonstrated to be as resistant to all nonhypnotic forces and as profound as amnesias developing pathologically.

Suggestibility is, of course, a primary feature of hypnosis, and is necessarily present. However, there is always a need, if serious and satisfactory purposes are to be achieved, to give suggestions in accord with the subject's understandings and desires, although in the type of hypnosis practiced on the vaudeville stage, ridiculous and undignified suggestions can be given. In the experimental psychological laboratory any number of behavioral responses can be suggested and subjected to study, such as suggestions of amnesia, recovery of memories, hallucinations, delusions, anesthesias, deafness, blindness, identifications, disorientation, etc. In the medical situation suggestions relating to the problem in hand can be given, such as the suggestion to recall a forgotten troublesome traumatic life experience, or the suggestion to avoid or to meet adequately some difficult problem. However, regardless of the suggestibility of the subject, there is frequently a primary need to give suggestions indirectly rather than directly and dogmatically as if hypnotic suggestions were miraculous in effect.

Milos Pesic is a professional hypnotist who runs a highly popular and comprehensive Hypnosis Induction web site. For more articles and resources on Hypnosis related topics, self hypnosis, weight loss hypnosis, stop smoking hypnosis, hypnosis scripts and much more visit his site at:
